Unified Feed SDK

Betradar Unified Odds ensures you can uniformly access all odds for all events (matches, races, outrights) that Betradar supports, in a consistent and fast manner. There are two ways to access Betradar Unified Odds related information: either through the Unified Feed Software Development Kit (SDK) library in Java and C#, or directly at the protocol level. The preferred and recommended mechanism is the Unified Feed SDK, as it helps simplify protocol handling; in particular, things like caching of descriptive localized meanings of markets, outcomes, players, teams etc. Unless fine-grained control is a requirement, you can focus on the SDK and can safely disregard the protocol specification.

Unified Odds Feed (UOF) Developer Documentation

Unified Odds Feed - CustomBet (CB)


XML Schemas

Live Documentation

US odds libraries

The .zip file below contains different US odds format libraries and odds/value ladder in multiple languages.